What Is A Natural Helper?

A Natural Helper is the super do-ers and the backbone of our community. If you find yourself constantly offering friends and neighbors advice, emotional support and tangible aid, then you’re a Natural Helper! During the Fellowship, Natural Helpers learn how to develop their existing skills further to support their community more fully.

When And Where Are The Trainings?

Natural Helpers Fellowship comprises of 9 full-day sessions that are held bi-weekly during the spring. The sessions are held at City Hall with additional networking and volunteering opportunities at sites throughout Portland.

If I Apply, When Do I Find Out If I Was Selected?

The selection process for the Natural Helpers Fellowship occurs in December of each year. After applying, interested applicants will meet with our selection committee for an interview. Final selection occurs in January, at which time we will notify all applicants regarding their acceptance into the program.

Am I Qualified To Be A Natural Helper?

Yes! Whether or not you consider yourself a Natural Helper already, this fellowship is designed to dismantle the barriers to resources in our city and provide opportunities and connections for people who may not consider themselves “leaders” yet.

When Is The Application Due?

Applications close in early December. Read more here about the application, as well as what we are looking for in a Natural Helper Fellow.

Do Natural Helpers Receive Any Sort Of Compensation?

Every Natural Helper receives a stipend for their participation in the fellowship. In addition, childcare and transportation stipends are provided, and each Fellow will receive breakfast and lunch during our seminars. Not to mention, each Fellow will also receive an educational certification and leadership badge from USM and a Mayoral certification from the City of Portland.

What Topics Will The Training Cover?

In collaboration with community partners and civic institutions, Fellows will learn about resources and support available in the Greater Portland area. In addition to seminars that challenge Fellows to think critically about current issues, Fellows will engage in community volunteering, networking opportunities and will make a measurable difference in their communities through the “Impact 5, Teach 10” model.

What Is The Application/Selection Process?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Maybe you want to do something meaningful. Whatever it is, the way you tell us your story can make all the difference. Learn more about the application process here.

Can I Nominate Someone To Be A Natural Helper?

Yes, you can! If you know someone in your neighborhood or community that is a perfect fit for the Natural Helpers Fellowship, you can nominate them here!

Questions about the program or application? Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.

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