The Office of Economic Opportunity is located at Downtown Portland’s City Hall.
The City of Portland’s Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) is the main driver to achieve the expected results found in this plan:
The Office of Economic Opportunity and the Portland Regional Chamber were selected by Welcoming America and New American Economy as one of the 2017 -2018 Gateways for Growth communities.
As a result of this important recognition, OEO and the Chamber received technical assistance from New American Economy and Welcoming America for an entire year; a report on the Economic Contributions of Immigrants in the region, Portland and its surrounding cities was published in September, 2017. But most importantly, the opportunity laid out a year-long effort to publish a Plan for Inclusion for the city at large.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to convene and leverage public and private partners to assure optimal communication and collaboration so that racially & ethnically diverse communities, including immigrants, and other underserved populations have access to jobs and related support services, as well as economic opportunities.
Goals and Objectives of the office include;
Convene community resources to improve coordination, communication, and collaboration and avoid or decrease any duplication of services,
Create a common data collection tool to better track outcomes across organizations and perhaps individual job seekers, as well as evaluating the work of the new Office.
Link employers more systematically with job seekers and job seekers with necessary training.
Collaborate with partners to ensure ongoing intern/apprentice/mentorship opportunities.