🦠 Resources for COVID-19 🦠
Ressources pour COVID-19 | recursos para COVID-19 | Kheyraadka loogu talagalay COVID-19 | recursos para COVID-19 | موارد COVID-19
🌏 = resource with translation and/or interpretation services available| ressource avec services de traduction et/ou d’interprétation disponibles | recurso com serviços de tradução e / ou interpretação disponíveis | Ilaha leh tarjumaad iyo / ama adeegyo tarjumaad la heli karo | recurso con servicios de traducción y / o interpretación disponibles |
الموارد مع خدمات الترجمة و / أو الترجمة الفورية المتاحة
The City launched a public health campaign called “Stay the Course.” 🌏 Be a part of the solution and help keep Maine’s numbers low!
Introduction | Introduction | Introdução | Hordhac | Introducción | المقدمة
Stay Updated | Rester à jour | Ficar atualizado | La soco cusbooneysiinta | Manténgase actualizado | ابق على اطلاع
Health Resources
Vaccine Information | Informations sur les vaccins | Informação sobre vacinas | Macluumaadka Tallaalka | Información sobre la vacuna |
معلومات اللقاح
CDC Resources | Ressources de CDC | Recursos do CDC | Kheyraadka CDC | Recursos de los CDC | موارد CDC
COVID-19 testing sites | Sites de test COVID-19 | Locais de teste COVID-19 | Goobaha imtixaanka COVID-19 | Sitios de prueba de COVID-19
مواقع اختبار COVID-19
Feeling sick? Need mental health resources? | Se sentir malade? Besoin de ressources de santé mentale? | Sentindo doente? Precisa de recursos de saúde mental? | Ma xanuun dareemaysaa? Ma u baahan tahay ilaha caafimaadka maskaxda? | ¿Te sientes enfermo/a? ¿Necesita recursos de salud mental? | هل تشعر بالغثيان؟ هل تحتاج إلى موارد الصحة النفسية؟
How to Self-Isolate for COVID-19 & Protecting yourself & others | L’isolement pour la COVID-19 et vous protéger et protéger les autres | Como se auto-isolar para COVID-19 e proteger a si e aos outros | Sida is-gooni-ahaanta loogu sameeyo COVID-19 & Ka ilaalinta naftaada iyo kuwa kale | Cómo autoaislar para COVID-19 y protegerse a sí mismo y a los demás |
كيفية عزل الذاتي لـ COVID-19 وحماية نفسك والآخرين
Keeping families and children safe | Assurer la sécurité des familles et des enfants | Manter famílias e crianças seguras | Ka ilaalinta qoysaska iyo carruurta meel amaan ah | Manteniendo a familias y niños seguros | الحفاظ على سلامة العائلات والأطفال
Basic Needs
City of Portland Multilingual Resource Guides | Guides de ressources multilingues de la ville de Portland | Guias multilíngues de recursos da cidade de Portland | Magaalada Portland Tilmaamaha Kheyraadka Luqadaha badan ee Magaalada | Guías de recursos multilingües de la ciudad de Portland | مدينة بورتلاند أدلة الموارد متعددة اللغات
Changes to Public Benefits (GA, SNAP, and TANF) | Modifications des avantages publics | Alterações nos benefícios públicos | Isbadalada Faa'iidooyinka Guud | Cambios a los beneficios públicos | التغييرات في المنافع العامة
Housing | Logement | Habitação | Guriyeynta | Alojamiento | الإسكان
Internet access | accès Internet | Acesso à internet | Helitaanka Internetka | خدمة الإنترنت
Jobs and long term medical leave | Emplois et congé de maladie de longue durée | Empregos e licença médica de longo prazo | Shaqooyinka iyo fasaxa caafimaad ee muddada dheer | Empleos y licencia médica a largo plazo |
وظائف وإجازة طبية طويلة الأجل
Food | Nourriture | Comida | Cuntada | Comida | طعام
Know your rights during COVID-19 | Connaissez vos droits pendant COVID-19 | Conheça seus direitos durante o COVID-19 | Ogow xuquuqahaaga inta lagu jiro COVID-19 | Conozca sus derechos durante COVID-19 | COVID-19 اعرف حقوقك خلال
Labor Laws Fact Sheet | Fiche d'information sur les lois du travail | Ficha do Direito do Trabalho | Shuruucda Shaqada Shaqaalaha | Hoja de datos sobre leyes laborales | صحيفة وقائع قوانين العمل
Legal help | Aide juridique | Ajuda legal | Caawinta sharciga | Ayuda legal | المساعدة القانونية
Portland Public Schools & English Classes/Resources | Écoles publiques de Portland et cours / ressources d'anglais | Escolas públicas de Portland e aulas de inglês / recursos | Dugsiyadda Guud ee Portland & Fasalada Ingiriisiga / Kheyraadka | Escuelas públicas de Portland y clases / recursos de inglés | مدارس بورتلاند العامة وفصول / موارد اللغة الإنجليزية
Transportation | Transport | Transporte | Gaadiidka | Transporte | وسائل النقل
Financial Resources
Artist relief fund | Fonds de secours pour les artistes | Fundo de assistência artística | Sanduuqa gargaarka farshaxanka | Fondo de ayuda al artista | صندوق إغاثة الفنانين
CARES Act/Federal Stimulus checks | Loi CARES / chèque de relance fédéral | Lei CARES / verificação de estímulo federal | CARES Sharciga / Baaritaanka kicinta federaalka | Ley CARES / Verificación de estímulo federal |
قانون CARES / التحقق من التحفيز الفيدرالي
Resources for small businesses & non-profits | Ressources pour les petites entreprises et les associations à but non lucratif | Recursos para pequenas empresas e associações sem fins lucrativos | Kheyraadka loogu talagalay ganacsatada yar yar iyo ururada aan macaash doonka ahayn | Recursos para pequeñas empresas y asociaciones sin fines de lucro |
موارد للشركات الصغيرة والجمعيات غير الربحية
Other resources
Contact your immigrant community & other community resources | Contactez votre communauté d'immigrants et d'autres ressources communautaires | Entre em contato com sua comunidade de imigrantes e outros recursos da comunidade | La xiriir bulshadaada soogalootiga ah iyo kheyraadka kale ee bulshada | Póngase en contacto con su comunidad de inmigrantes y otros recursos de la comunidad | اتصل بمجتمع المهاجرين الخاص بك وموارد المجتمع الأخرى
In times of uncertainty, it is important to have accurate information that is accessible to all. This page will continually be updated to provide information on the ever-changing statuses and schedules of the community resources that are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For other/statewide updates, call 1-866-811-5695 (run by 2-1-1). Say your language if an interpreter is needed.
En période d'incertitude, il est important de disposer les informations précises et accessibles à tous. Cette page sera continuellement mise à jour pour fournir des informations sur les statuts et les calendriers en constante évolution des ressources communautaires affectées par la pandémie de COVID-19. Pour d'autres mises à jour / à l'échelle de l'État, appelez 1-866-811-5695 (géré par 2-1-1). Si un interprète est nécessaire, dites votre langue.
No caso de incerteza, é importante descartar as informações necessárias e acessíveis a todos. Esta página é uma continuação para quatro horas de informações sobre os status e calendários em constante evolução dos recursos comunitários afetados pela pandemia do COVID-19. Para outros autores, consulte o número 1-866-811-5695 (número 2-1-1). Se um intérprete é necessário, dites votre langue.
Waqtiyada aan la hubin, waxaa muhiim ah in la helo macluumaad sax ah oo la heli karo dhammaan. Boggan si joogto ah ayaa loo cusboonaysiin doonaa si ay u siiyaan macluumaadka ku saabsan mar walba isbeddelka marxaladaha iyo jadwalka ilaha bulshada ee ay saameeyeen masiibada COVID-19. Wixii ku saabsan cusboonaysiinta kale / gobolka oo dhan, wac 1-866-811-5695 (oo ay mareyso 2-1-1). Ku hadal luqaddaada haddii turjubaan loo baahdo.
En tiempos de incertidumbre, es importante contar con información precisa que sea accesible para todos. Esta página se actualizará continuamente para proporcionar información sobre los estados y cronogramas en constante cambio de los recursos de la comunidad que se ven afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19. Para otras actualizaciones a nivel estatal, llame al 1-866-811-5695 (administrado por 2-1-1). Diga su idioma si necesita un intérprete.
في أوقات عدم اليقين ، من المهم أن يكون لديك معلومات دقيقة في متناول الجميع. سيتم تحديث هذه الصفحة باستمرار لتوفير معلومات عن الحالات والجداول المتغيرة باستمرار لموارد المجتمع المتأثرة بجائحة COVID-19. للحصول على التحديثات الأخرى على مستوى الولاية ، اتصل برقم 1-866-811-5695 (يتم تشغيله بواسطة 2-1-1). قل لغتك إذا كانت هناك حاجة إلى مترجم.
🔔 For updates 🔔
Pour les mises à jour | para atualizações | Wixii cusboonaysiin ah | Ultimas noticias | للحصول على التحديثات
Sign up for City of Portland’s Stay Connected to get emails and texts. Available in various languages. 🌏
Inscrivez-vous à Stay Connected de la ville de Portland pour recevoir des e-mails et des SMS.
Inscreva-se no Stay Connected da cidade de Portland para receber e-mails e textos.
Is qor Isuduwaha Xiriirka Joogtada ee Magaalada Portland si ad u hesho emayl iyo qoraal.
Regístrese para mantenerse conectado de la Ciudad de Portland para recibir correos electrónicos y mensajes de texto.
اشترك في City of Portland’s Stay Connected لتلقي رسائل إلكترونية ورسائل نصية.
Regularly check the City of Portland’s COVID-19 page for citywide updates 🌏
The City of Portland also has a Multilingual resources page
Visit the Maine CDC website or the nationwide CDC site
Call 1-866-811-5695 (powered by 2-1-1) and say your language.
Appelez 1-866-811-5695 (dirigé par 2-1-1) et dites votre langue.
Ligue para 1-866-811-5695 (com tecnologia 2-1-1) e diga seu idioma.
Wac 1-866-811-5695 (oo ku shaqeeya 2-1-1) oo dheh luqaddaada.
Llame al 1-866-811-5695 (alimentado por 2-1-1) y diga su idioma.
.اتصل على 1-866-811-5695 (مدعوم من 2-1-1) وقل لغتك
Restarting Maine’s Economy
Governor Mills has put forward a Restarting Plan 🌏 that entails how Maine will re-open in stages while continually responding to the increase in COVID-19 cases.
💉Vaccine Information💉
Vaccine Information | Informations sur les vaccins | Informação sobre vacinas | Macluumaadka Tallaalka | Información sobre la vacuna | معلومات اللقاح
All Mainers became eligible for a vaccine on August 7th, 2021! See where and how you can get vaccinated.
The FDA has released factsheets on the new Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine 🌏
Information on rolling out vaccine to refugees, immigrants, and migrants🌏
Vaccine Hesitancy Videos created by Georgia State University explain why the COVID-19 is safe🌏
The City of Portland Minority Health Program created a flyer highlighting vaccination against COVID-19 for people aged 70 and over🌏
The COVID Collaborative has created a site solely to answer common questions about the vaccine🌏
CDC (Center for Disease Control & Prevention) Information
Stop the spread of germs 🌏
Arrêter la propagation des germes| Pare a propagação de germes | Jooji faafitaanka jeermiska | Detener la propagación de gérmenes | يوقف انتشار الجراثيم
Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 🌏
Signes et symptômes de COVID-19 | Sinais e sintomas de COVID-19 | Astaamaha iyo astaamaha COVID-19 | Signos y sintomas del COVID19 | علامات وأعرا
City of Portland’s Minority Health Program signs & symptoms:
🧪COVID-19 testing sites🧪
Sites de test COVID-19 | Locais de teste COVID-19 | Goobaha imtixaanka COVID-19 | Sitios de prueba de COVID-19 | مواقع اختبار COVID-19
The State of Maine’s page: provides links to testing sites across the state by county 🌏
🤒 If you are feeling sick 🤒
Se sentir malade? | Sentindo doente? | ma xanuunsan tahay? | Se siente enfermo/a? | الشعور بالمرض؟
What to if you are feeling sick with symptoms of COVID-19 (difficulty breathing, fever, fatigue, cough)
Stay home & stay away from others.
Wait. Do not immediately go to the hospital.
Call your primary care physician. If you don’t have a primary care, call Greater Portland Health at 1-207-874-2141. 🌎
Follow recommendations provided to you.
Check out these factsheets from Maine EMS: What do do if you feel sick 🌎
Be proactive! Have a plan before you get sick.🌎
🧠Need mental health resources? 🧠
Besoin de ressources de santé mentale? | Precisa de recursos de saúde mental? | Ma u baahan tahay ilaha caafimaadka maskaxda? | ¿Necesita recursos de salud mental? | هل تحتاج إلى موارد الصحة النفسية؟
Times like these are stressful and difficult, and there are resources you can turn to.
call your doctor
If in crisis, call 1-207-774-HELP (4357) or the National Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990
For information about How to Deal with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks 🌎
The US National Library of Medicine mental health resources 🌎
English: anxiety, depression, stress, signs of emotional suffering
Français: la dépression, la détresse mentale
Português: depressão, lidar com o estresse
Soomaali: walaac, niyad jab, culeyska maskaxda
Español: ansiedad, depresión, signos de sufrimiento emocional
اللغة العربية: الاكتئاب ، والضيق النفسي ، والإجهاد ، والصحة النفسية
Daily Life and Coping from the CDC 🌎 (español)
Visit Greater Portland Health’s COVID Information page 🌎
specifically “GPH COVID-19 Behavioral Health Resource”
Ideas de actividades para su familia durante la cuarentena 🌎
Opportunity Alliance has various mental health numbers to call, as well as live online chat 🌎
🤧 How to Self-Isolate for COVID-19 🤧
L’isolement pour la COVID-19 | Como se auto-isolar para COVID-19 | Sida is-gooni-u-dhigidda loogu talagalay COVID-19 | Cómo autoaislar para COVID-19 | COVID -19 كيفية عزل الذات لـ 🌏
❤️ Keeping families and children safe ❤️
Assurer la sécurité des familles et des enfants | Manter famílias e crianças seguras | Ka ilaalinta qoysaska iyo carruurta meel amaan ah | Manteniendo a familias y niños seguros | الحفاظ على سلامة العائلات والأطفال
The current pandemic may increase stress, fear, isolation, financial instability, potentially creating higher risk for both child abuse and domestic violence within families. Professionals, community and others must continue networking with families to provide needed support, guidance and outreach, so that any observed concerns of suspected abuse and neglect can be reported.
🗂️ City of Portland Multilingual Resource Guides 🗂️
Guides de ressources multilingues de la Ville de Portland | Guias multilíngues de recursos da cidade de Portland | Magaalada Portland Tilmaamaha Kheyraadka Luqadaha badan ee Magaalada | Guías de recursos multilingües de la ciudad de Portland |
دليل مدينة بورتلاند متعدد اللغات
📋 Important Benefit Changes to GA, SNAP and TANF 📋
Modifications importantes des avantages de GA, SNAP et TANF | Alterações importantes nos benefícios para GA, SNAP e TANF | Isbadalada Faa'iidooyinka Muhiimka ah ee GA, SNAP iyo TANF | Cambios importantes en los beneficios de GA, SNAP y TANF | تغييرات هامة في الفوائد على GA و SNAP و TANF
DHHS has created handouts responding to the pandemic that explain how to access these services during this time. We also encourage you to visit their COVID Resources website. 🌎
Visit the Office of Family Independence’s page on these temporary changes 🌎
Bolstering General Assistance | Renforcement d’assistance générale | Fortalecendo a Assistência Geral | Xoojinta Kaalmada Guud | Fortalecimiento de la asistencia general
تعزيز المساعدة العامة
Under the Governor's March 31 Executive Order, all applications for General Assistance will be processed as emergency applications for eligibility purposes, and certain other requirements are waived. The order also allows eligible individuals to reapply after 60 days rather than 30 days for ongoing assistance.
General Assistance is funded through communities, with DHHS reimbursing 70 percent of municipalities' costs. Under the Executive Order, DHHS will use existing funding to increase reimbursement to Maine Tribes to up to 100 percent.
General Assistance can be used for basic necessities including food, housing, electricity and medical expenses. Assistance is not provided directly to eligible individuals, but rather it is issued in the form of vouchers used to pay vendors who provide goods and services to eligible individuals.
En vertu du décret du 31 mars du gouverneur, toutes les demandes d'assistance générale (GA) seront traitées comme des demandes d'urgence aux fins d'admissibilité, et certaines autres exigences seront levées. L'ordonnance permet également aux personnes admissibles de présenter une nouvelle demande après 60 jours plutôt que 30 jours pour obtenir une assistance continue. L'assistance générale est financée par les communautés, le DHHS remboursant 70% des coûts des municipalités. En vertu du décret, le DHHS utilisera le financement existant pour augmenter le remboursement aux tribus du Maine jusqu'à 100%. L'assistance générale peut être utilisée pour les nécessités de base, notamment la nourriture, le logement, l'électricité et les frais médicaux. L'aide n'est pas fournie directement aux personnes éligibles, mais elle est plutôt délivrée sous la forme de bons utilisés pour payer les vendeurs qui fournissent des biens et des services aux personnes éligibles.
De acordo com a Ordem Executiva do Governador em 31 de março, todos os pedidos de Assistência Geral serão processados como pedidos de emergência para fins de elegibilidade e alguns outros requisitos serão dispensados. O pedido também permite que indivíduos qualificados se inscrevam novamente após 60 dias, em vez de 30 dias, para assistência contínua. A Assistência Geral é financiada pelas comunidades, com o DHHS reembolsando 70% dos custos dos municípios. Sob a Ordem Executiva, o DHHS usará o financiamento existente para aumentar o reembolso ao Maine Tribes em até 100%. A Assistência Geral pode ser usada para necessidades básicas, incluindo alimentação, moradia, eletricidade e despesas médicas. A assistência não é fornecida diretamente a indivíduos elegíveis, mas é emitida na forma de comprovantes usados para pagar fornecedores que fornecem bens e serviços a indivíduos elegíveis.
Sida ku xusan Xeerka Fulinta ee Maarso 31, dhammaan codsiyada Caawinaada Guud waxaa looga baaraandegi doonaa sida codsiyada deg-degga ah ee ujeeddooyinka u-qalmitaanka, iyo shuruudaha kale qaarkood waa laga dhaafay. Amarku wuxuu kaloo u oggolaanayaa shakhsiyaadka u qalma inay dib u codsadaan ka dib 60 maalmood halkii ay ka ahaan lahaayeen 30 maalmood gargaarka socda. Caawimada guud waxaa lagu maalgaliyaa jaaliyadaha, iyadoo DHHS ay dib ubixineyso boqolkiiba 70 qarashaadka degmooyinka. Sida ku xusan Amarka Fulinta, DHHS waxay u adeegsan doontaa maaliyaddii haatan jirtay si ay u kordhiso magdhawga Qolooyinka Maine illaa iyo 100 boqolkiiba. Caawimada guud waxaa loo isticmaali karaa baahiyaha aasaasiga ah oo ay ka mid yihiin cuntada, guryaha, korantada iyo kharashyada caafimaadka. Caawinta si toos ah looma siiyo shakhsiyaadka uqalma, laakiin taa waxaa loo soo saaraa qaab foojar oo loo isticmaalo in lagu bixiyo iibiyaasha kuwaas oo siiya alaabada iyo adeegyada shakhsiyaadka u qalma.
De conformidad con la Orden Ejecutiva del Gobernador del 31 de marzo, todas las solicitudes de Asistencia General se procesarán como solicitudes de emergencia para fines de elegibilidad, y se renuncian a ciertos otros requisitos. La orden también permite que las personas elegibles vuelvan a presentar una solicitud después de 60 días en lugar de 30 días para recibir asistencia continua. La Asistencia General se financia a través de las comunidades, y el DHHS reembolsa el 70 por ciento de los costos de los municipios. Según la Orden Ejecutiva, el DHHS utilizará los fondos existentes para aumentar el reembolso a las tribus de Maine hasta en un 100 por ciento. La Asistencia General se puede utilizar para necesidades básicas, incluidos alimentos, vivienda, electricidad y gastos médicos. La asistencia no se proporciona directamente a las personas elegibles, sino que se emite en forma de cupones utilizados para pagar a los proveedores que proporcionan bienes y servicios a las personas elegibles.
بموجب الأمر التنفيذي الصادر عن الحاكم في 31 مارس ، سيتم معالجة جميع طلبات المساعدة العامة كطلبات طوارئ لأغراض الأهلية ، ويتم التنازل عن بعض المتطلبات الأخرى. يسمح الأمر أيضًا للأفراد المؤهلين بإعادة التقديم بعد 60 يومًا بدلاً من 30 يومًا للحصول على المساعدة المستمرة. يتم تمويل المساعدة العامة من خلال المجتمعات المحلية ، حيث تقوم DHHS بتعويض 70 بالمائة من تكاليف البلديات. وبموجب الأمر التنفيذي ، ستستخدم وزارة الصحة والخدمات الإنسانية التمويل الحالي لزيادة السداد إلى قبائل مين إلى ما يصل إلى 100 في المائة. يمكن استخدام المساعدة العامة للضروريات الأساسية بما في ذلك الغذاء والسكن والكهرباء والنفقات الطبية. لا يتم تقديم المساعدة مباشرة للأفراد المؤهلين ، بل يتم إصدارها في شكل قسائم تستخدم لدفع البائعين الذين يقدمون السلع والخدمات للأفراد المؤهلين.
Boosting Food Supplement Benefits (SNAP) | Acroissment des avantages des compléments alimentaires (SNAP) | Aumentando os benefícios do suplemento alimentar (SNAP) | Kordhinta dheefaha Kaabista Cuntada (SNAP) | Impulso de los beneficios de los suplementos alimenticios (SNAP) | زيادة فوائد المكملات الغذائية
DHHS received federal approval to issue emergency benefits for the months of April and May to households that qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This means DHHS will issue an additional $11.5 million in SNAP benefits for the month of April, in addition to the typical monthly amount for April of $17.5 million. This change is primarily supported through federal funds. Maine's current SNAP participants will receive the maximum benefit allowed for their household size, as will new applicants who qualify for food supplement benefits during April and May. Benefits are typically issued between the 10th and 14th of the month.
DHHS also received federal approval to simplify and streamline the application process for SNAP benefits, such as accepting applications by phone without the need for a signature and lifting the requirement for an in-person or telephone interview.
DHHS has taken steps to ensure that Mainers receiving SNAP benefits continue to do so during this state of civil emergency, extending the re-certification period and continuing benefits in cases where households did not complete reporting requirements during the months of March or April.
Le DHHS a reçu l'approbation fédérale pour octroyer des prestations d'urgence pour les mois d'avril et de mai aux ménages qui sont admissibles au Programme d'assistance nutritionnelle supplémentaire (SNAP). Cela signifie que le DHHS émettra 11,5 millions de dollars supplémentaires en avantages SNAP pour le mois d'avril, en plus du montant mensuel typique d'avril de 17,5 millions de dollars. Ce changement est principalement soutenu par des fonds fédéraux. Les participants SNAP actuels du Maine recevront la prestation maximale autorisée pour la taille de leur ménage, tout comme les nouveaux candidats qui se qualifient pour les prestations de complément alimentaire en avril et en mai. Les prestations sont généralement accordées entre le 10 et le 14 du mois. Le DHHS a également reçu l'approbation du gouvernement fédéral pour simplifier et rationaliser le processus de demande d'avantages SNAP, comme l'acceptation de demandes par téléphone sans avoir besoin d'une signature et la levée de l'exigence d'une entrevue en personne ou par téléphone. Le DHHS a pris des mesures pour s'assurer que les principaux bénéficiaires des avantages SNAP continuent de le faire pendant cet état d'urgence civile, prolongeant la période de recertification et continuant les avantages dans les cas où les ménages n'ont pas rempli les exigences de déclaration au cours des mois de mars ou avril.
O DHHS recebeu aprovação federal para emitir benefícios de emergência para os meses de abril e maio às famílias que se qualificam para o Programa de Assistência Nutricional Suplementar (SNAP). Isso significa que o DHHS emitirá US $ 11,5 milhões adicionais em benefícios SNAP para o mês de abril, além do valor mensal típico de abril de US $ 17,5 milhões. Essa mudança é suportada principalmente por fundos federais. Os atuais participantes do SNAP do Maine receberão o benefício máximo permitido para o tamanho da sua família, assim como os novos candidatos que se qualificarem para os benefícios do suplemento alimentar durante abril e maio. Os benefícios são normalmente emitidos entre os dias 10 e 14 do mês. O DHHS também recebeu aprovação federal para simplificar e agilizar o processo de solicitação de benefícios do SNAP, como aceitar solicitações por telefone sem a necessidade de uma assinatura e levantar o requisito de uma entrevista pessoal ou por telefone. O DHHS tomou medidas para garantir que os Mainers que recebem os benefícios do SNAP continuem a fazê-lo durante este estado de emergência civil, estendendo o período de recertificação e benefícios contínuos nos casos em que as famílias não cumpriram os requisitos de relatório durante os meses de março ou abril.
DHHS waxay heshay oggolaansho federaal ah si ay u soo saarto dheefaha degdegga ah ee bilaha Abriil iyo Meey qoysaska u qalma Barnaamijka Caawinta Nafaqada Dheeraadka ah (SNAP). Tani macnaheedu waa DHHS waxay soo saari doontaa $ 11.5 milyan oo dheeri ah oo waxtarrada SNAP ah bisha Abriil, marka lagu daro lacagta caadiga ah ee billaha ah ee Abriil $ 17.5 milyan. Isbeddelkan waxaa inta badan lagu taageerayaa maalgalinta federaalka. Kaqeybgaleyaasha hadda SNAP ee Maine waxay helayaan dheefaha ugu badan ee loo oggol yahay tirada qoyskooda, sidoo kale codsadayaasha cusub ee u qalma dheefaha dheeri ah inta lagu jiro Abriil iyo Maajo. Macaashka waxaa sida caadiga ah la bixiyaa inta u dhaxaysa 10-ka iyo 14-ka bisha. DHHS waxay kaloo heshay oggolaansho federaal ah in la fududeeyo oo la socodsiiyo habka dalabka ee gargaarka SNAP, sida aqbalaadda codsiyada taleefanka iyada oo aan loo baahnayn saxiix iyo in sare loo qaado shuruudaha wareysiga shaqsi ahaan ama telefoonka. DHHS waxay qaaday tillaabooyin lagu hubinayo in Maareeyeyaasha hela kaalmada cuntada ee SNAP ay sii wadaan inta lagu jiro xaaladdan deg degga ah ee bulshada, kordhinta waqtiga dib-u-sharciyeynta iyo dheefaha sii socda kiisaska qoysaska aan buuxin shuruudaha ka warbixinta bilaha Maarso ama Abriil.
El DHHS recibió la aprobación federal para emitir beneficios de emergencia durante los meses de abril y mayo a los hogares que califican para el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP). Esto significa que el DHHS emitirá $ 11.5 millones adicionales en beneficios de SNAP para el mes de abril, además de la cantidad mensual típica para abril de $ 17.5 millones. Este cambio es apoyado principalmente a través de fondos federales. Los participantes actuales de SNAP de Maine recibirán el beneficio máximo permitido para el tamaño de su hogar, al igual que los nuevos solicitantes que califican para beneficios de suplementos alimenticios durante abril y mayo. Los beneficios generalmente se emiten entre el 10 y el 14 del mes. El DHHS también recibió la aprobación federal para simplificar y agilizar el proceso de solicitud de beneficios de SNAP, como aceptar solicitudes por teléfono sin la necesidad de una firma y levantar el requisito de una entrevista en persona o telefónica. El DHHS ha tomado medidas para garantizar que Mainers que recibe los beneficios de SNAP continúen haciéndolo durante este estado de emergencia civil, extendiendo el período de recertificación y los beneficios continuos en los casos en que los hogares no completaron los requisitos de informes durante los meses de marzo o abril.
تلقت DHHS موافقة فيدرالية لإصدار إعانات الطوارئ لشهري أبريل ومايو للأسر المؤهلة لبرنامج المساعدة الغذائية التكميلية (SNAP). وهذا يعني أن DHHS ستصدر 11.5 مليون دولار إضافية في مزايا SNAP لشهر أبريل ، بالإضافة إلى المبلغ الشهري المعتاد لشهر أبريل البالغ 17.5 مليون دولار. يتم دعم هذا التغيير بشكل أساسي من خلال الصناديق الفيدرالية. سيحصل المشاركون الحاليون في SNAP من مين على أقصى فائدة مسموح بها لحجم أسرهم ، كما سيحصل المتقدمون الجدد الذين يتأهلون للحصول على مزايا المكملات الغذائية خلال شهري أبريل ومايو. عادةً ما يتم إصدار المزايا بين 10 و 14 من الشهر. تلقت DHHS أيضًا موافقة فيدرالية لتبسيط وتبسيط عملية تقديم طلب للحصول على مزايا SNAP ، مثل قبول الطلبات عبر الهاتف دون الحاجة إلى التوقيع ورفع شرط إجراء مقابلة شخصية أو مقابلة هاتفية. اتخذت وزارة الصحة والخدمات الإنسانية خطوات للتأكد من استمرار العاملين الذين يتلقون مزايا SNAP في القيام بذلك خلال حالة الطوارئ المدنية هذه ، وتمديد فترة إعادة الاعتماد واستمرار الفوائد في الحالات التي لم تكمل فيها الأسر متطلبات إعداد التقارير خلال شهري مارس أو أبريل.
Strengthening Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | Renforcement de l'assistance temporaire aux familles nécessiteuses (TANF) | Fortalecimento da assistência temporária para famílias carentes (TANF) | Xoojinta Caawinta Ku-meelgaarka ah ee Qoysaska Baahan (TANF) | Fortalecimiento de la asistencia temporal para familias necesitadas (TANF)
تعزيز المساعدة المؤقتة للأسر المحتاجة (TANF)
Worker Supplement Benefits, a food benefit funded through TANF, will increase from $50 to $100 per month for March through July 2020, providing additional support to approximately 10,000 Maine households.
Additionally, DHHS now allows families who rely on TANF to request an emergency extension to continue receiving benefits beyond the 60-month lifetime limit and to reapply for TANF if their benefit previously ended due to reaching the limit. DHHS has also streamlined the application and re-certification process, including conducting interviews by telephone rather than in person and lifting some documentation requirements.
TANF provides a temporary cash benefit to assist parents in meeting their families' basic needs.
Les prestations supplémentaires aux travailleurs, une prestation alimentaire financée par le biais du TANF, passeront de 50 $ à 100 $ par mois de mars à juillet 2020, fournissant un soutien supplémentaire à environ 10 000 ménages du Maine. De plus, le DHHS permet désormais aux familles qui dépendent du TANF de demander une prolongation d'urgence pour continuer à recevoir des prestations au-delà de la limite de durée de vie de 60 mois et de présenter une nouvelle demande pour le TANF si leur prestation a déjà pris fin en raison de l'atteinte de la limite. Le DHHS a également rationalisé le processus de demande et de recertification, notamment en réalisant des entretiens par téléphone plutôt qu'en personne et en supprimant certaines exigences en matière de documentation. Le TANF offre une prestation en espèces temporaire pour aider les parents à répondre aux besoins fondamentaux de leur famille.
Os Benefícios do Suplemento ao Trabalhador, um benefício alimentar financiado pelo TANF, aumentará de US $ 50 para US $ 100 por mês entre março e julho de 2020, fornecendo apoio adicional a aproximadamente 10.000 famílias do Maine. Além disso, o DHHS agora permite que as famílias que dependem do TANF solicitem uma extensão de emergência para continuar recebendo benefícios além do prazo de vida útil de 60 meses e se inscrevam novamente no TANF se o benefício tiver terminado anteriormente devido a atingir o limite. O DHHS também simplificou o processo de solicitação e recertificação, incluindo a realização de entrevistas por telefone, e não pessoalmente, e o levantamento de alguns requisitos de documentação. O TANF fornece um benefício temporário em dinheiro para ajudar os pais a atender às necessidades básicas de suas famílias.
Macaashka Dheeraadka ah ee Shaqaalaha, oo ah kaalmada cuntada ee lagu maalgaliyo TANF, wuxuu ka kordhayaa $ 50 illaa $ 100 bishii bishii Maarso illaa Luulyo 2020, oo siisa taageero dheeri ah ku dhawaad 10,000 oo qoys oo Maine ah. Intaa waxaa sii dheer, DHHS waxay hadda u oggolaaneysaa qoysaska ku tiirsan TANF in ay codsadaan kordhin dheeri ah si ay u sii wadaan qaadashada dheefaha ka baxsan xadka 60-bilood ee xaddidan iyo in ay dib u codsadaan TANF haddii gargaarkooda hore ay u dhammaatay iyada oo la gaarsiinayo xadka. DHHS waxay kaloo gudbisay codsigii iyo dib-u-hubinta, oo ay kujirto sameynta wareysiyada taleefanka intii laga tagi lahaa shaqsiga iyo kor u qaadista qaar ka mid ah shuruudaha dukumiintiyada. TANF waxay siisaa caawinaad lacageed ku meel gaar ah inay ka caawiso waalidiinta sidii ay ula kulmi lahaayeen baahiyaha aasaasiga ah ee qoysaskooda.
Los Beneficios de Complemento para Trabajadores, un beneficio alimentario financiado a través de TANF, aumentará de $ 50 a $ 100 por mes de marzo a julio de 2020, brindando apoyo adicional a aproximadamente 10,000 hogares de Maine. Además, el DHHS ahora permite a las familias que dependen de TANF solicitar una extensión de emergencia para continuar recibiendo beneficios más allá del límite de por vida de 60 meses y volver a solicitar TANF si su beneficio finalizó previamente debido a alcanzar el límite. El DHHS también ha simplificado el proceso de solicitud y recertificación, incluida la realización de entrevistas por teléfono en lugar de en persona y el levantamiento de algunos requisitos de documentación. TANF proporciona un beneficio monetario temporal para ayudar a los padres a satisfacer las necesidades básicas de sus familias.
ستزيد فوائد مكملات العمال ، وهي منفعة غذائية ممولة من خلال TANF ، من 50 دولارًا إلى 100 دولار شهريًا في الفترة من مارس إلى يوليو 2020 ، مما يوفر دعمًا إضافيًا لحوالي 10000 أسرة مين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تسمح DHHS للعائلات التي تعتمد على TANF بطلب تمديد الطوارئ لمواصلة تلقي المزايا بعد الحد الأقصى لمدة 60 شهرًا وإعادة تقديم طلب للحصول على TANF إذا انتهت منفعتها سابقًا بسبب الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى. كما قامت DHHS بتبسيط عملية التقديم وإعادة الاعتماد ، بما في ذلك إجراء المقابلات عبر الهاتف بدلاً من الحضور الشخصي ورفع بعض متطلبات التوثيق. تقدم TANF إعانة نقدية مؤقتة لمساعدة الآباء في تلبية الاحتياجات الأساسية لعائلاتهم.
🏠 If you have questions about housing 🏠
Des questions sur le logement? | Dúvidas sobre moradia? | Su'aalaha ku saabsan guryaha? | ¿Preguntas sobre vivienda? |
أسئلة حول الإسكان؟
Visit the Maine State Housing Authority’s COVID-19 Rental Relief Program page 🌍for how to get assistance and to learn about other statewide updates concerning rent/housing.
If you are low-income and live in Portland, General Assistance may be able to help you find shelter or help with rent payments. 🌍
Questions about evictions? Visit Pine Tree Legal’s FAQ page 🌍 Need more information? Join Pine Tree Legal for their weekly online eviction information sessions - free to the public! Learn more and join here: https://ptla.org/fed
Evictions: If you are not protected by the emergency policies, it’s important to remember that your landlord cannot evict you without first bringing you to court. Pine Tree Legal may be able to help you with the court process. Here is information on how to contact them: https://ptla.org/contact-us. If you cannot get help from Pine Tree due to your immigration status – for example, if you are undocumented or if you are seeking asylum – then you may contact Maine Equal Justice at 207-626-7058 x205 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or by filling out this contact form: https://maineequaljustice.org/people/legal-assistance-contact/
Expulsions: si vous n'êtes pas protégé par les politiques d'urgence, il est important de se rappeler que votre propriétaire ne peut pas vous expulser sans vous traduire au préalable par un tribunal. Pine Tree Legal peut être en mesure de vous aider dans le processus judiciaire. Voici des informations pour les contacter: https://ptla.org/contact-us. Si vous ne pouvez pas obtenir de l'aide de Pine Tree en raison de votre statut d'immigration - par exemple, si vous êtes sans papiers ou si vous demandez l'asile - vous pouvez contacter Maine Equal Justice au 207-626-7058 x205 (laissez un message et quelqu'un recevra retour vers vous) ou en remplissant ce formulaire de contact: https://maineequaljustice.org/people/legal-assistance-contact/
Despejos: Se você não estiver protegido pelas políticas de emergência, é importante lembrar que seu senhorio não pode despejá-lo sem primeiro levá-lo ao tribunal. A Pine Tree Legal pode ajudá-lo no processo judicial. Aqui estão informações sobre como contatá-los: https://ptla.org/contact-us. Se você não puder obter ajuda da Pine Tree devido ao seu status de imigração - por exemplo, se você não tiver documentos ou se estiver procurando asilo - então você pode entrar em contato com o Maine Equal Justice pelo telefone 207-626-7058 x205 (deixe uma mensagem e alguém receberá de volta para você) ou preenchendo este formulário de contato: https://maineequaljustice.org/people/legal-assistance-contact/
Guri ka saarid: Haddii aadan ku ilaalinaynin siyaasadaha xaaladaha deg degga ah, waxaa muhiim ah inaad xasuusato in milkiilahaagu uusan kaa saari karin guriga isagoon marka hore ku keenin maxkamadda. Sharciga Pine Tree Legal wuxuu kaa caawin karaa nidaamka maxkamada. Waa tan macluumaad ku saabsan sida loola xiriiro: https://ptla.org/contact-us. Haddii aadan caawimaad ka heli karin Geedka Geedka sababo la xiriira xaaladdaada socdaal - tusaale ahaan, haddii aadan sharci lahayn ama haddii aad magangelyo dooneyso - markaa waxaad kala xiriiri kartaa Maine Equal Justice 207-626-7058 x205 (farriin u tag qofna wuu helayaa dib kuugu soo noqo) ama buuxinta foomkan xiriirka: https://maineequaljustice.org/people/legal-assistance-contact/
Desalojos: si no está protegido por las políticas de emergencia, es importante recordar que su arrendador no puede desalojarlo sin antes llevarlo a la corte. Pine Tree Legal puede ayudarlo con el proceso judicial. Aquí hay información sobre cómo contactarlos: https://ptla.org/contact-us. Si no puede obtener ayuda de Pine Tree debido a su estado migratorio, por ejemplo, si es indocumentado o si está buscando asilo, puede comunicarse con Maine Equal Justice al 207-626-7058 x205 (deje un mensaje y alguien recibirá a usted) o completando este formulario de contacto: https://maineequaljustice.org/people/legal-assistance-contact/
💻 If you need internet access 💻
Besoin d’accès à l’internet? | Precisa de acesso à Internet? | Ma u baahan tahay marin internet? | ¿Necesitas acceso a internet? | هل تحتاج إلى الوصول إلى الإنترنت؟
Spectrum will offer two free months of internet and WiFi services to new customers in households with a Pre-K to 12 grade student or college student who needs it for school.
The discount will be applied as a credit for your first two months of internet service and the company will waive all installation and pre-payment fees.
For more information on the promotion, you can contact Spectrum at 1-(866) 874-2389 para español, presione el numero 5
Check out this website where you can see what affordable internet you may qualify for and how to get it.
⚕️If you have questions about long-term medical leave⚕️
Questions sur le congé médical à long-terme? | Perguntas sobre licença médica de longo prazo? | Su'aalaha ku saabsan fasaxa caafimaadka muddada-dheer? | ¿Preguntas sobre licencia médica a largo plazo? | أسئلة حول الإجازة الطبية طويلة الأجل؟
The Families First Act is federal program that gives every worker at least 2 weeks family medical leave if they are quarantined, experiencing COVID symptoms, or seeking treatment. Workers who have been employed for at least 30 days are eligible for up to an additional 10 weeks at two thirds their regular rate of pay.
Get an overview of the Families First Act 🌎(solamente en español)
The Maine Department of Labor COVID-19 page also has resources on labor law 🌎
👷🏾 If you have questions about your job 👷🏾
Questions sur votre travail? | Dúvidas sobre o seu trabalho? | Su'aalaha ku saabsan shaqadaada? | ¿Preguntas sobre tu trabajo? | أسئلة حول عملك؟
If you lost your job as a result of COVID-19, please note that there is no waiting period to file for unemployment
Maine's Earned Paid Leave Law goes into effect on January 1! Under this law, covered employees will earn one hour of paid leave for every 40 hours worked, up to 40 hours in one year of employment, which can be used for any reason. More information can be found here: https://www.maine.gov/labor/labor_laws/earnedpaidleave/🌏
https://www.mainecareercenter.gov/locations/greater_portland.shtml 🌏
To expedite your claim file for unemployment online on the MDOL Unemployment website. You may also call 1-800-593-7660 and ask for an interpreter 🌎
**As of April 6th, 2020: those who are calling to file for unemployment or need to speak to a representative are asked to call alphabetically (1-800-593-7660). If your last name begins with:
A-H call on Monday
I-Q call on Tuesday
R-Z call on Wednesday
Thursday and Friday will be left unassigned for those who missed their assigned day or who need to call on these days
**Starting May 1st, 2020: Applications for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) will be open. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) provides unemployment coverage for the self-employed and others not normally covered by state unemployment insurance. PUA was created through the federal CARES Act and provides up to 39 weeks of benefits through December 26, 2020.
Visit the PUA webpage for FAQs, who is eligible, and to apply 🌏
Are you eligible for PUA? Look at this checklist.
***UPDATES from the Maine Dept. of Labor: “To those who are receiving benefits under the federal unemployment programs Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC): As you know, these programs were scheduled to end on December 26, unless Congress took action. We are reviewing the recent legislation that was passed by Congress. The legislation must be signed by the President before it can be implemented. We are carefully monitoring any subsequent actions by Congress, the President as well as the U.S. Department of Labor so that we can implement any extension of unemployment insurance programs as quickly as possible.”
*** MISES À JOUR du ministère du Travail du Maine: «À ceux qui reçoivent des prestations dans le cadre des programmes fédéraux de chômage. 26 décembre, à moins que le Congrès n'agisse. Nous examinons la législation récente qui a été adoptée par le Congrès. La législation doit être signée par le président avant de pouvoir être mise en œuvre. Nous surveillons attentivement toutes les actions ultérieures du Congrès, du président et du département américain du Travail afin de pouvoir mettre en œuvre toute extension des programmes d'assurance-chômage le plus rapidement possible.
*** ATUALIZAÇÕES do Maine Dept. of Labor: “Para aqueles que estão recebendo benefícios sob os programas federais de desemprego Pandemia de Assistência ao Desemprego (PUA) e Compensação de Desemprego de Emergência Pandêmica (PEUC): Como você sabe, esses programas foram programados para terminar em 26 de dezembro, a menos que o Congresso tome medidas. Estamos revisando a legislação recente que foi aprovada pelo Congresso. A legislação deve ser assinada pelo Presidente antes de ser implementada. Estamos monitorando cuidadosamente quaisquer ações subsequentes por parte do Congresso, do Presidente, bem como do Departamento do Trabalho dos EUA, para que possamos implementar qualquer extensão dos programas de seguro-desemprego o mais rápido possível. ”
*** Cusbooneysiinta ka socota Waaxda Shaqada ee Maine: "Ku socota kuwa ku qaata macaashka barnaamijyada shaqo la'aanta ee federaalka Gargaarka Shaqo La'aanta (PUA) iyo Magdhowga Shaqo La'aanta Degdegga ah ee Faafa (PEUC): Sidaad ogtahayba, barnaamijyadan waxaa loo qorsheeyay inay dhammaadaan Diisambar 26, illaa Congress-ka uusan tallaabo qaadin. Waxaan dib u eegeynaa sharcigii ugu dambeeyay ee uu ansixiyay Congress-ka. Sharciga waa inuu saxiixo Madaxweynaha inta aan la dhaqan gelin. Waxaan si taxadar leh ula soconaa talaabooyinka xiga ee ay qaadaan Congress, Madaxweynaha iyo sidoo kale Waaxda Shaqada ee Mareykanka si aan u dhaqan galino kordhin kasta oo lagu sameeyo barnaamijyada caymiska shaqo la'aanta sida ugu dhaqsaha badan.”
*** Actualizaciones del Departamento de Trabajo de Maine: “Para aquellos que están recibiendo beneficios bajo los programas federales de desempleo Asistencia por desempleo pandémico (PUA) y Compensación por desempleo de emergencia pandémica (PEUC): Como saben, estos programas estaban programados para finalizar el 26 de diciembre, a menos que el Congreso actúe. Estamos revisando la legislación reciente aprobada por el Congreso. La legislación debe ser firmada por el presidente antes de que pueda ser implementada. Estamos monitoreando cuidadosamente cualquier acción posterior del Congreso, el Presidente y el Departamento de Trabajo de los EE. UU. Para que podamos implementar cualquier extensión de los programas de seguro de desempleo lo más rápido posible "
تحديثات من وزارة العمل في ولاية مين: "إلى أولئك الذين يتلقون إعانات بموجب برامج البطالة الفيدرالية مساعدة البطالة الوبائية والتعويضات الطارئة للبطالة الوبائية: كما تعلمون ، كان من المقرر أن تنتهي هذه البرامج في 26 ديسمبر ، ما لم يتخذ الكونجرس عمل. نحن نراجع التشريع الأخير الذي أقره الكونجرس. يجب أن يوقع الرئيس على التشريع قبل أن يتم تنفيذه. نحن نراقب بعناية أي إجراءات لاحقة من قبل الكونغرس والرئيس وكذلك وزارة العمل الأمريكية حتى نتمكن من تنفيذ أي تمديد لبرامج التأمين ضد البطالة في أسرع وقت ممكن
Information needed to file for unemployment | Información necesaria para solicitar el desempleo | Informations nécessaires pour déposer une demande de chômage | Informações necessárias para registrar o desemprego | المعلومات المطلوبة لملف البطالة
Maine Department of Labor COVID-19 page that includes FAQs on labor laws 🌎
Maine Equal Justice has a COVID-19 resource page, as well as a great one-page document that explains mistakes to avoid when applying for unemployment.
Bureau of Labor Standards Customer Service Unit 207-623-7900 (Interpreters available) 🌏
BLS can answer questions regarding labor law, what employers are required to pay exempt vs. non-exempt employees, different laws that protect employees (e.g. Maine’s Employment Leave for Caregivers and Persons affected by Public Health Emergencies
🔎 If you need a job 🔎
Besoin d’un travail? | Preciso de um emprego? | Ma u baahan tahay shaqo? | ¿Necesitar un trabajo? | هل تحتاج إلى عمل؟
The University of Southern Maine’s Career & Employment Hub have put together a webpage of who is currently hiring. Positions are temporary, full time, and part time. There are also resources to help you with your job search and career preparation.
Aerotek is currently hiring for various positions 🌏
Visit the Maine Job Link
🥗🥫 If you need food 🥫🥗
Nourriture | Comida | Cuntada | Comida | طعام
OEO has created a “How Do I Get Food?” journey map🌏
Food pantries and community meals have shifted to an emergency plan.
Please be aware you may not get the same resources and schedules you are used to.
If you have previously been denied SNAP benefits, you may be eligible now. Call 207.822.2000
Si previamente se les ha negado los beneficios de SNAP usted puede ser beneficiado ahora. Llame al 207.822.2000
Se você alguma vez foi desqualificado para receber os benefícios SNAP, pode ser que qualifique agora. Ligue para 207.822.2000
Si vous étiez refusé auparavant des bénéfices de SNAP, vous pourriez être éligible maintenant. Appelez 1-207-822-2000
Haddii horey laguu diiday gargaarka cuntada waxaa macquul ah in hada aad hada uqalantid. Wac 207.822.2000
إذا تم رفض مزايا SNAP \الفود ستامب الخاصة بك مسبقًا ، فقد تكون مؤهلاً الآن. اتصل على 207.822.2000
💪 Know your rights during COVID-19 💪
Connaissez vos droits pendant COVID-19 | Conheça seus direitos durante o COVID-19 | Ogow xuquuqahaaga inta lagu jiro COVID-19 | Conozca sus derechos durante COVID-19 | COVID-19 اعرف حقوقك خلال
While unprecedented times bring about new circumstances, COVID-19 does not change certain rights you have! HIAS has created a resource with which you can educate yourself on your rights in terms of housing, unemployment, healthcare, safety, immigration, economic impact payments, and more. 🌍 More detailed information on these topics are also on this webpage.
📑Labor Laws Fact Sheet📑
Fiche d'information sur les lois du travail | Ficha do Direito do Trabalho | Shuruucda Shaqada Shaqaalaha | Hoja de datos sobre leyes laborales | صحيفة وقائع قوانين العمل
⚖️ If you are looking for legal help ⚖️
Si vous cherchez l’assistance juridique | Se você está procurando ajuda legal | Haddii aad raadineyso kaalmo sharci | Si buscas ayuda legal | إذا كنت تبحث عن مساعدة قانونية
ILAP continues to operate for support with immigration related issues. Visit their COVID-19 page 🌎
Pine Tree Legal Assistance 🌎 phone lines are open! Hours have been expanded to make up for the reduction in walk-in services due to COVID-19. People can now call:
Mondays 12 - 2:30 pm
Tuesday 9 - 11:30 am
Thursdays 9 – 11:30 am
Fridays 9 – 11:30 am
Clients can reach the Portland office at (207) 774-8211
Pine Tree can help with common problems the COVID-19 situation has caused including:
Landlords illegally evicting tenants
Debt Collectors and scammers taking advantage of vulnerable people
Disruptions or denial of public benefits
Homeschooling with IEPs
Needing a Reasonable Accommodation in housing
Utility shutoffs
Information about Maine State Courts | Informations sur les tribunaux de l'État du Maine | Informações sobre Tribunais do Estado do Maine | Macluumaadka ku saabsan Maine State Courts | Información sobre los tribunales estatales de Maine | معلومات حول محاكم ولاية مين
Many proceedings have been cancelled or postponed. The state courts have created a handout that explains the new recommendations one should follow when planning on going to a Maine state court 🌎
Users can view all state court hours here 🌎
📚If you have questions about Portland Public Schools📚
Questions sur les écoles publiques de Portland? | Perguntas sobre as escolas públicas de Portland? | Su'aalaha ku saabsan iskuulada dadweynaha ee Portland? | ¿Preguntas sobre las escuelas públicas de Portland? | أسئلة حول المدارس الحكومية في بورتلاند؟
Visit Portland Public School’s online information center 🌎
Email ppshelpline@portlandschools.org 🌎
email can be sent in sender’s primary language
Call 1-207-874-8159 and leave a message with your question 🌎
English Press 1
For Portuguese Press 2
For French Press 3
For Spanish Press 4
For Arabic Press 5
For Somali Press 6
For Vietnamese Press 7
For Khmer Press 8
For Acholi Press 9
📓If you have questions about English Classes📓
Questions sur les cours d’anglais? | Dúvidas sobre aulas de inglês? | Su'aalaha ku saabsan xiisadaha Ingiriisiga? | ¿Preguntas sobre clases de inglés? | أسئلة حول دروس اللغة الإنجليزية؟
Check out our “How do I learn English” page that has updated COVID-19 English Class information 🌎 along with many online resources students can turn to during this time of remote learning.
🚌 If you have transportation questions 🚌
Vous avez des questions sur le transport? | Tem dúvidas sobre transporte? | Ma haysaa wax su'aalo ah oo ku saabsan gaadiidka? | ¿Tiene preguntas sobre el transporte? | هل لديك أسئلة حول النقل؟
The pandemic has altered Metro schedules and policies. Currently, all routes are operating on a Saturday schedule and all fares have been suspended. Visit the Metro Alert Center 🌏 to stay updated.
For information on other modes of transport and how they have been impacted, visit the Greater Portland Council of Governments’ (GPCOG) updates:
🎨 Are you an artist? 🎨
Vous-êtes un artiste? | Você é um artista? | Ma tahay farshaxan? | ¿Eres un artista? | هل انت فنان؟
📈 If you have questions about the CARES Act 📈
Si vous avez des questions sur la loi CARES | Se você tiver dúvidas sobre a Lei CARES | Haddii aad wax su'aalo ah ka qabtid Sharciga CARES | Si tiene preguntas sobre la Ley CARES | إذا كانت لديك أسئلة حول قانون CARES
The CARES Act is the stimulus package recently passed by Congress in response to the COVID-19 crisis that provides some financial support to those living in the US. We strongly encourage you to check out the Portland Regional Chamber's page on the act, which details the eligibility of individuals for direct payments and loan relief for small businesses.
MeBIC created a comprehensive one-page document that will help you determine your eligibility, specifically if you are an immigrant and are unsure if you qualify for an economic impact payment. 🌎
The IRS has a Coronavirus Tax Relief Page that answers frequently asked questions about the act and payments 🌎
OEO’s Resource Guide 2.0 also has information on the CARES Act 🌎
Check out Building Skills Partnership’s PDF that breaks down of how much you will receive if you are eligible for a stimulus check.
📠 If you own a small business 📠
Vous êtes propriétaire d'une petite entreprise? | Possui uma pequena empresa? | Ma leedahay meherad yar? | ¿Tienes una pequeña empresa? | تملك شركة صغيرة؟
The City of Portland has announced three small business relief programs. Applications open until funds run out. Visit the City’s Economic Development page to apply and for more information on eligibility 🌎
Click here to watch a recording of the webinar that answers more questions about the small business support programs that exist in the Greater Portland area.
This is a trying time for the economy, especially for small local businesses. We encourage you to explore the COVID -19 Relief Loan Programs
SCORE Portland also provides information on Small Business relief in the COVID era, including many free webinars.
Visit the Small Business Administration’s page Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources🌎
💵 Are you a non-profit in search of funds to help you manage COVID-related programs? 💵
Etes-vous une association à but non-lucratif qui cherche des fonds pour vous aider à gérer les programmes qui se rapportent à COVID? | Você é uma organização sem fins lucrativos em busca de fundos para ajudá-lo a gerenciar programas relacionados ao COVID? | Ma waxaad tahay macaash-doonnimo raadinta lacago si ay kaaga caawiso maaraynta barnaamijyada COVID? | ¿Es una organización sin fines de lucro en busca de fondos para ayudarlo a administrar programas relacionados con COVID?
هل أنت مؤسسة غير ربحية تبحث عن أموال لمساعدتك في إدارة البرامج ذات الصلة بـ COVID
Greater Portland COVID-19 Community Relief Fund
City of Portland COVID-19 Loan and Grant Programs: non-profits are eligible for the Rapid Response Loan
☎️If you need to contact your immigrant community☎️
Si vous avez besoin de contacter votre communauté des immigrants | Se você precisar entrar em contato com sua comunidade de imigrantes | Haddii aad u baahan tahay inaad la xiriirto bulshadaada soogalootiga ah | Si necesita contactar a su comunidad inmigrante | إذا كنت بحاجة إلى الاتصال بمجتمع المهاجرين الخاص بك
Visit Maine Immigrant’s Right Coalition (MIRC) website
Contact Mufalo Chitam: mufaloc@maineimmigrantrights.org
ℹ️ Additional Resources from Community Partners ℹ️
Les ressources additionnelles des partenaires communautaires | Recursos adicionais de parceiros da comunidade | Kheyraad dheeri ah oo laga helo Iskaashiga bulshada | Recursos adicionales de socios comunitarios | موارد إضافية من شركاء المجتمع
Catholic Charities OMRS resources 🌎
For faith based organizations: see the message shared by Commissioner Head
Sign up for the United Way’s monthly newsletter that includes volunteer and donation opportunities, as well as other resources.
The United Way also has a blog post with financial stability resource postings.
Learn about safe banking practices from Prosperity Maine 🌎 Check out the infographics below.
Refugee Development Center Coronavirus Announcements 🌎
COVID-19 videos for Somali Speakers provided by Sinaan Outlets 🌎
Mohamed Ibrahim is Community organizer with Maine People’s Alliance and shares a new resource created by Maine People’s Alliance. The new site is MainersTogether.com
Portland Community Squash has put together a comprehensive COVID-19 Resource Guide
Are you a pregnant or new mother? Have young children? You may be eligible for Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Learn more about WIC.
What’s new at Maine Medical Center? MMC Interpretative Services have released their first round of Community Outreach videos. 🌎 Topics include visitation procedures, what to expect at the entrances, and how to access the ED and pharmacy.
Nationwide resources
Washington State’s Office of Refugee & Immigrant Assistance COVID Resources
Welcoming America has a COVID-19 resources page that is updated regularly