About Recipes for Welcoming
The City of Portland Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) is celebrating Welcoming Week this year through its second Recipes for Welcoming event! In partnership with Wayside Food Programs, OEO is creating Welcoming Week meal kits, an inspiration taken from services such as Hello Fresh and Blue Apron. Each includes two recipes with all necessary ingredients. Recipes will be from all around the world and provided by Portland-based chefs. On two nights, local chefs/community members will host a virtual cooking demonstration during which participants can cook along with a local celebrity chef to learn their secrets for amazing food.
What’s in the meal kit?
Meal kits will contain multilingual recipes to Coconut Curry and Carrot Salsa, with each recipe yielding 4 servings. The recipes for the coconut curry were kindly provided by Yardie Ting, and the carrot salsa recipe provided by the Empanada Club. Meet the chefs and learn more about their businesses!
Meal kits also contain heavily discounted tickets to the Children’s Museum & Theatre!
important Dates & Times
Last day to register for a meal kit: September 10th or while supplies last.
Meal kit pickup: September 13th from 2-6 pm. At pickup, you’ll be able to meet the chefs in person—and who knows—maybe they will have some samples of their delicious food to try! Participants will also be able to hang out at Wayside, listen to some music, and play with the Children’s Museum & Theatre. Following CDC guidelines, we ask that you please wear a mask if you are not vaccinated. Donations for meal kits will be accepted, with all proceeds going to Wayside Food Services. Register for meal kit now!
Online cooking Facebook events: September 15th (Carrot Salsa with the Empanada Club) and September 16th (Coconut Curry with Yardie Ting), from 6-7 pm. Simply find @PortlandOEO on Facebook and stream the live cooking show. Portland Media Center will also be broadcasting the shows on channel 5. You will receive more information and links concerning the live cooking event once you register for a meal kit.
All meal kits reserved online will be distributed at Wayside, 135 Walton St, Portland, ME 04103
The community cooking event with participating chefs will be online on Facebook Live and on Channel 5.